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Sauna – the benefits of regular sauna use, or why go to the sauna even in summer

Do you want to better tolerate the summer heat or improve your sports performance? Do you want to improve your health and boost your immunity with a sauna?

Sauna – the benefits of regular sauna use, or why go to the sauna even in summer

Do you want to endure the summer heat better or improve your sports performance? Do you want to improve your health and boost your immunity by taking a sauna?

You may find it strange to go even hotter during the heat, but believe me, it has many benefits. Even in summer! Going to the sauna regularly throughout the year can improve your life both physically and mentally.

The main benefit of sauna use is that you can cope better with the more frequent heat waves

Imagine that instead of suffering for days on end, being tired and unable to sleep well, you start to tolerate the summer heat better. You will improve your body’s thermoregulatory abilities. Regular sauna sessions will make you sweat less in the summer and make you feel good even on holiday. By the time autumn and winter arrive, your body will be accustomed to the transition from cold to warmth. How do high temperatures affect you?

Exposure to high temperatures in the sauna warms the skin and blood starts to flow rapidly in the subcutaneous tissue. The blood circulation starts to work at a higher capacity and the heart beats faster. It could be said that the high heat creates an artificial fever in the body. This mild exertion strengthens the body and also trains its resistance. It can also help with chronic pain.

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Regular sauna bathing helps against pain

Thermotherapy, which includes sauna therapy, uses heat to relax muscles and also to relieve pain or discomfort associated with various health problems. Thermotherapy involves various forms of heat such as conventional heating or infrared radiation. Different types of thermotherapy are particularly popular with the elderly.

The main health benefits include an analgesic effect, which increases blood flow in the treated area and thus improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients. This can lead to a reduction in pain perception and provide relief to patients suffering from arthritis, rheumatism or other degenerative joint diseases. In addition, heat helps to increase joint flexibility and mobility and maintains movement abilities. Ideal for older people.

Other health benefits of sauna bathing include relieving muscle tension, reducing inflammation and various psychological benefits. The effect on psychological well-being is also important. A study by Walter Crinnion also demonstrates the effectiveness of sauna therapy for people with hypertension, heart failure and in the care of patients after myocardial infarction. Sauna use is also beneficial for some people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic fatigue, chronic pain or addictions.

Improve your sports performance and lose weight effectively

Saunas are also beneficial for athletes, especially during the running and sports season. It has its place not only in the training of athletes, but also in their recovery. In the sauna, the metabolism of athletes is accelerated, blood circulation is trained, oxygen supply is improved, and the tone of the autonomic nervous system is also realigned. At the same time, sauna bathing has a comprehensive effect on the athlete’s psyche and influences his state of strength acquired through training. Sauna is also important in rehabilitation.

Canadian researchers have studied individuals as part of their training plan and indicated sauna four times a week for 30 min. After comparing performance before and after regular sauna use, the researchers found that the athletes improved their performance by up to several percent. According to Polish research, sauna use has an effect on weight loss in athletes and on stimulating their immune system.

Sauna bathing can be recommended as an addition to your weight loss methods. Whether you play sports or have adjusted your diet, sauna bathing will help you to burn more efficiently. You can burn up to 600 kcal in 30 minutes in the sauna, which is equivalent to one hour of running. At high temperatures, your body experiences processes that lead to fat burning. You get rid of toxins that can cause fat in the subcutaneous tissue and strengthen your metabolism, which plays a major role in weight loss. Sauna bathing also has a positive effect on cellulite.

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Work on your immunity even in summer and reduce your risk of getting sick by up to 65%

Regularity is the key to any result. If your aim is to improve your respiratory health, immunity or even get rid of asthma, then regular sauna sessions are very important.

In general, bacteria and viruses are unavoidable all year round. Particularly at this time of year, research from various European countries shows that people are sicker since the cowid pandemic. At the same time, countries are registering a steady increase in mortality. One explanation is that the reduction of contact with people during closures has impaired our immune system’s ability to fight viruses and bacteria effectively. The importance of regular immune system strengthening and prevention is therefore crucial. Sauna and hardening is one form of strengthening your immune system on a regular basis.

In the summer, our body is also exposed to frequent transitions from heat to air-conditioned room, swimming, iced drinks, moving to a different climate zone during holidays or sharp drops and rises in temperature. Angina or bronchitis are not uncommon in summer. Regular sauna bathing increases the white blood cell count, detoxifies the body and strengthens overall immunity.

A study by the British Medical Association states that regular visits to the sauna at least once a week reduce the risk of viral illness by up to 30% and two to three visits a week reduce the risk of illness by up to 65%. And what’s the best way to encourage regular sauna use? Get a sauna for your home so you can use it whenever you need it. Let us know your idea and we’ll turn it into reality.

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