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Experience showers that give you energy, relaxation or concentration

Introducing our new product Experience Showers, now available thanks to our collaboration with the Italian brand Aquaform. The showers use modern technology, material and reflect the latest trends in the world.

Experience showers that give you energy, relaxation or concentration

Introducing our new product Experience showers, newly available thanks to our collaboration with the Italian brand Aquaform. The showers use modern technology, material and reflect the latest trends in the world. The aim of the creators was to create a unique experience shower with different programs that use the synergy of water, sound, aroma and colors.

The shower also includes hydrotherapy, which uses modern massage jets to relax your body or reduce stress and tension after the day. What will you experience during your shower?

At times you will be rained on lightly, at other times you will stand under the force of a waterfall. You’ll be enveloped in the scent of citrus or mint with background music adding to the relaxing atmosphere. You can feel the changing light that will transport you to another world. The benefits are further enhanced by the alternating temperatures, depending on the programme you choose.

Each programme lasts around 120 seconds and you will always get what you need from it. Take a look at the demonstration.

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Chromotherapy and aromatherapy are also an interesting part of the experience shower, where you are bathed in colourful light, with each beam having a different therapeutic function. The shower uses the power of light and colour to work with your body and mind.

Red and its various shades are part of the energy recharge programme, blue helps you relax, yellow is the colour of transformation and strength, violet helps with balance in life and green is the colour of concentration. The different types of aroma will then activate your memory trail and help you to better process the events in your life.

The benefits of an experiential shower have complex effects on the muscles, nervous system, blood system and the psyche. Both horizontal and vertical showers are available. Aquaform also produces an experiential Kneipp walkway that fits into a designer spa or emotional tunnel. This is the perfect accessory to give you or your clients an unforgettable experience.